Aoao SWF to GIF Converter can help you extract images from SWF files, a Flash format supporting animation and interactivity. This action will avoid the necessity to install a Flash player. The application has a nice and intuitive wizard-like interface.
Unfortunately, the only input format supported by this converter is SWF and a widely used Flash format like FLV is not allowed. It is also a shame that it does not let you process batches of files, which could save you a lot of time. Once you have chosen an SWF file to convert, you can also preview its contents, mark just a segment to extract and take snapshots of given frames. Multiple picture effects can be applied, such as black and white, blur, grayscale, sharpen, noise, etc. Moreover, you can decide to keep the original size or customize the output size and set an interpolation option for resizing. Finally, you can also tell the program how many of the original frames will correspond to an output picture.
Although the name suggests GIF is the only output format supported, this converter actually allows other image formats, such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, TGA, ICO and PCX. In the case of GIF, both animated and still GIF pictures are supported; however, the first format is generally more convenient. Other output parameters as quality and time delay can also be set.
As a whole, Aoao SWF to GIF Converter does everything that it is expected to do. As stated above, its main limitation is the lack of support of FLV and batch conversion.